Monday, August 8, 2022

We finally published my book!

 After almost two years of writing, we published it on May 11, 2022. Click here to purchase it. 

I'm grateful for this review:

Reviewed in the United States on August 2, 2022

This book has life lessons, heart aches, triumphs, and practical application that touches the soul. Thanks to the author for being willing to share.

Monday, March 21, 2022

I wish I would have included this comparison in my book

This is part of a post from one of my other blogs--dated December 7, 2008:

...When I went to the temple on Tuesday afternoon, it reminded me of how much I love the paintings that are hanging on the walls there. That is one of the reasons I have religious pictures hanging on the walls of our home as well--to remind me of the temple

These three pictures are all scenes from the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ and they all relate to each other.

Lehi's vision of the Tree of Lifethe brazen serpent that Moses placed on the pole in the wilderness, and the Liahona are all currently hanging in my walk-in closet. 

There are a few verses in the Book of Mormon that tie these symbols together for me. In Alma 37:38-46 it says:  

"...I have somewhat to say concerning the thing which our fathers call a ball, or director—or our fathers called it Liahona, which is, being interpreted, a compass; and the Lord prepared it.... 
And behold, it was prepared to show unto our fathers the course which they should travel in the wildernessAnd it did work for them according to their faith in God; therefore, if they had faith to believe that God could cause that those spindles should point the way they should go, behold, it was done; therefore they had this miracleand also many other miracles wrought by the power of Godday by day
Neverthelessbecause those miracles were worked by small means it did show unto them marvelous works. They were slothful, and forgot to exercise their faith and diligence and then those marvelous works ceasedand they did not progress in their journey; Therefore, they tarried in the wilderness, or did not travel a direct course, and were afflicted with hunger and thirst, because of their transgressions.... 

I would that ye should understand that these things are not without a shadow; for as our fathers were slothful to give heed to this compass (now these things were temporal) they did not prosper; even so it is with things which are spiritual. For behold, it is as easy to give heed to the word of Christwhich will point to you a straight course to eternal blissas it was for our fathers to give heed to this compasswhich would point unto them a straight course to the promised land. And now I say, is there not a type in this thingFor just as surely as this director did bring our fathersby following its courseto the promised land, shall the words of Christif we follow their coursecarry us beyond this vale of sorrow into a far better land of promise.... Do not let us be slothful because of the easiness of the way; for so was it with our fathers; for so was it prepared for themthat if they would look they might liveeven so it is with usThe way is preparedand if we will look we may live forever."

Basically, what it boils down to is this: The tree of life (and the fruit from the tree) symbolizes the love of God as manifested in His Son.

The brazen serpent that Moses placed on the pole in the wilderness also symbolizes the Son of God and the healing effects of His Atonement--if the people would just look at it, they would be healed from the bites of the serpents and would live. And if Lehi and his family would have faith in the Liahona which the Lord prepared, they would be guided in the wilderness. All of these are simple means to the same end. And the gospel is easy, especially if you compare it to the chaos and confusion that is in the world today. I am very thankful for the Atonement of the Savior and its influence in my life.

The Savior spoke about the yoke in Matthew 11:28-30. Sister Johnson compares the yoke to a modern-day symbol that she could relate to and saw regularly: her side-by-side refrigerator/ freezer. I can also relate to that because when I was younger I always thought it was so neat that the water and ice would come out of the front. I always told people that when I got one of those when I was grown up that I would have "arrived." Well, my husband bought me one a few years ago and so... I have, apparently, arrived in life. :) And I can also be reminded of the Savior's yoke whenever I look at it... which is quite often throughout my day. So, all of these things are easy and simplethe Savior's yokethe Liahonathe serpent on the poleand partaking of the fruit of the Tree of Life--but their effects are everlasting.

I know that the Savior's Atonement worksIt's realIt is miraculousAnd I'm so thankful for it.

This passage in Alma 7:11-13 explains so much about it:

"And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people

And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.

Now the Spirit knoweth all things; nevertheless the Son of God suffereth according to the flesh that he might take upon him the sins of his peoplethat he might blot out their transgressions according to the power of his deliverance; and now behold, this is the testimony which is in me."

That is my testimony as well. I've felt His mercy in taking away the sins that I've repented of, helping me deal with difficult emotional struggles, comforting me in childbirth, and helping me as I try to be a good mother to my childrenI don't always succeedbut I do so much better with His help and power than I ever could on my ownThe key is to have faith in that powerTo believe that He really loved us that much--personally, as well as collectively. To believe that He can truly save us now and eternally because of His righteousnessI believe Him and I love Him. I hope that I can somehow pass that understanding on to my children.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Christmas with The Chosen: The Messengers - Official Trailer

I'm looking forward to seeing this in the theater with my husband on the evening of December 9th. :)

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Dare to be an ally

This was my Instagram post this morning: 

In honor of our LBTQIA+ and black brothers and sisters. 


Being an ally and working to end stigma and prejudice is holy work. It is part of our baptismal covenant to "bear one another's burdens that they may be light[er] . . . and comfort those who stand in need of comfort" (Mosiah 18:8-9). I hope and pray that we will all try harder to be inclusive of marginalized people in our sphere of influence. 


Monday, June 14, 2021

Current Preface for My Upcoming Book ~ "Practice Makes Better" and Other Perspective Shifts of a Recovering Perfectionist

            During the past six years, many people have encouraged me to write a book about my experiences. I never thought seriously about actually attempting it because it always felt too overwhelming. Then, I was asked to give a devotional in August 2015 to a group of women on the topic of reaching out to others with love. I was also asked to give the devotional to two other groups of women in April 2016 and January 2017.

            That was the first time I tried to write down a summary of my experiences and my presentation evolved each time I gave it. I also wrote about different aspects of my story in several papers when I returned to college between August 2015 and November 2019. However, I still had no idea how to proceed with something larger.       

            My friends continued to tell me, “People need to hear your story,” and I continued to respond that they should write it for me. No one was interested in taking on the project, and I can’t blame them. In August 2019, I was finally given enough inspiration to create a more detailed outline and table of contents for this book, but I hit another mental block after writing the first chapter.

            The COVID-19 pandemic descended upon the entire world in 2020 and normal operations in our area were shut down by mid-March. During the first few months of the pandemic, I stayed busy with being a grandma for the first time, completing various organization projects, and working on family history.

            In July 2020, I felt inspired to sign up for a complimentary 40-minute call with a life coach who specialized in organization. I followed through with that prompting, although it didn’t make sense, since I was already working with a life coach. During that phone call, she pointed out that I didn’t need to wait until I felt organized enough to begin writing this book. Instead, she encouraged me to just start writing ten minutes each day.

            This is common advice that can be applied to almost any area of life in which a person feels overwhelmed—and the timing was finally right for this project. For about five weeks, I wrote for much longer than ten minutes each day until I completed the first draft. I considered that a miracle. I felt a mixture of deep gratitude and relief not to have the original expectation hanging over my head anymore.

            A few close friends and family members were generous with their time and gave me feedback on several revisions of this book. Originally, the earlier chapters included the overarching lessons I learned that helped shape my journey. It was recommended that I begin with my personal experiences instead. So, I have spread these life lessons throughout the experiences I share. All of the events in this book actually occurred, but I am using fictitious names for each of the people I mention (except for my family members) to protect their privacy.

            Since there are many threads to my story, it felt impossible to weave them together into one fluid storyline. Therefore, each of the five parts of this book represents an important aspect of my journey. Some details are repeated in the different chapters to provide continuity. One important theme is the word of the year. I have been grateful for the way these words influenced my progress during each year they are mentioned.     

            This book is written from my perspective as an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.[1] However, my purpose is not to preach or convert. I hope people of all beliefs will feel comfortable reading about the experiences I share. For that reason, I have tried to explain terms from our church culture and doctrine that may be unfamiliar to some.[2] All scripture passages come from the Church’s standardized editions of the scriptures, which include the King James Version of the Bible.[3]

            I have tried to write each experience from the perspective of how I was feeling at the time. I have also tried to show how my ability to adapt and understand situations from a different perspective progressed over time. So, if something in the earlier chapters seems judgmental, close-minded, or one-sided—please understand that I was expressing how I felt in the messy middle of my journey. I’m still struggling through the messy middle in many ways, but I am grateful that I have been blessed with more clarity and a deeper understanding as I continue on my journey.

            As I have walked and talked with women over the past eight years, we’ve solved many of life’s problems while enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. I’ve noticed that it is often more difficult to apply the principles we’ve discussed and the answers we’ve discovered when we return to our homes and lives. Admittedly, I haven’t fully incorporated all of the ideas I share in this book, but I continue to improve as a result of them. I hope they will have a positive impact in your life as well.

The Influence of Hilary Weeks

            The inspirational music of Hilary Weeks, and especially her uplifting lyrics, have been the driving force behind much of my progress during the past decade. In fact, this book probably wouldn’t have been written if it weren’t for her powerful lyrics. She is an incredibly talented singer and songwriter, whose messages focus on Christ and His grace. She has also written many songs about reaching our potential through perseverance and optimism.

            Originally, I was planning to include her lyrics in most of the chapters and Hilary granted permission to do that. I was also planning to include a list of her most influential songs in my life. Ultimately, I decided to just share my experiences with her and her music in several chapters of the book. However, I strongly invite you to subscribe to her annual Live All In program[4] and look up the music from the CDs on her website.[5]

A Note About Perfectionism

            I don’t read as much as most people I know. I get hung up in the highlighting. I’m also a relatively late learner and slow adopter of habits. It takes me a while to warm up to new things and especially new technology. I’m now very grateful for the Gospel Library app and for books on Kindle. Both have made highlighting less messy and more precise. It is also much easier to find notes that I’ve written in the “margins,” which was helpful during this project.

            Writing, and especially editing, this book was another step in learning to overcome my perfectionistic tendencies. When I finished the final draft, my plan was to have a few friends continue to read through it and suggest corrections, as they did in the earlier revisions. However, that would have prolonged the process and it would have allowed additional doubt to enter my already anxious mind. Since everyone looks through their own unique life lens, each person’s feedback was different and, sometimes, their recommendations contradicted each other.

            The bottom line is that this book will have flaws. I have read through it more times than I can count. I have edited and polished it multiple times. There may still be sentences that could have been constructed better and passages that could have been written more clearly. There will probably still be errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. There might even be sections that could have been left out. However, this book was written from my heart with the intent to uplift.

            I sincerely hope that each reader will find something within these pages that was meant just for you. If there are sections that seem uninteresting or nonapplicable, feel free to skip them. If there are beliefs, opinions, or philosophies that don’t resonate, feel free to move on to another section. At the minimum, though, I ask that the point of this book be remembered. It isn’t supposed to be perfect. We live in an imperfect world. Each person is a work in progress. And that is okay. Take a deep breath with me . . . and embrace the imperfection.

[1] The original New Testament church was called The Church of Jesus Christ and the members were called “saints.” The restored church in our time is called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

[3] See

[4] See