Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Still Not Finished?

Chapter 30 is titled "Grace and Gratitude." On Sunday evening, I posted a few quotes about gratitude, along with a long list of what I am grateful for. 

In addition, I added three quotes about repentance being positive, rather than a punishment (which didn't really fit). However, I was too tired to continue trying to figure it out...

I spent most of today writing about grace, but now I'm having a hard time meshing it with what I wrote previously about gratitude. I'm so close to being finished and now I can't figure out how to finish!

I thought about integrating the positive repentance quotes with what I've already written for chapter 3. The title of that chapter is "Gradually Replacing Negative with Positive." However, I don't really want the chapters in the first section to be as long as the ones at the end of the book. I had no idea so many of these chapters would turn out so incredibly long! 

I would love to just not worry about including the repentance quotes, but I have a nagging feeling that they are important. So, I'm considering renaming chapter 30 as "Changing Through Christ's Grace."

I'm also considering adding two other chapters: 

  • "Losing the Guilt" (for the positive repentance quotes)  
  • "Living with Gratitude and Simplicity" (for the long list of what I'm grateful for, along with some thoughts about enjoying life more fully by keeping it simple).  
The other thing that is becoming increasingly difficult is all the changes I'm having to make with the HTML code because of the cutting and pasting I've done with the quotes before I post them. 

So, I think I'm going to stop posting the changes going forward. The entire first draft of the book is now basically posted on this blog. It has served its purpose and has provided daily accountability for me. 

I'm going to leave the chapter 30 post as I have it now, but it probably won't look like that in the book.

I may return to post about topics I'm learning with coaching. Or this may be it for awhile. 

I used to post on many blogs between 2008 and 2013. They were all private, except for my two inspiration blogs. I have listed those two blogs on the sidebar of this one. So I think that's all.

Farewell again, blogland!

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