So, I went back and added content to the previous two chapters on connection and vulnerability. I also rearranged and polished the paragraphs on connection. In addition, I added some links to those posts and a couple more links to the glossary of terms on the sidebar.
I am trying not to allow myself to be discouraged, but it's been a struggle today. I want to stay true to the table of contents that I felt inspired to create last year at this time. However, I don't have as much practice writing about the events in the last two sections.
I have also been confused about what to include in the chapter on authenticity, since it overlaps so much with the information in the chapters on connection and vulnerability. I'm leaning toward writing about what I've learned about overcoming perfectionism in that chapter. I just need to get some content written, so hopefully that will be enough to get my brain unstuck again.
After that, I need to focus on the two chapters where I share experiences about specific people I met during my visiting journey. I don't think I should use their actual names, so I'm trying to figure out how to handle that. I think I just need some uninterrupted time to string those experiences and memories together.
Finally, I have no idea what the title should be. If it just ends up being my personal history, then that's not an issue. However, if I ever did try to publish it, that small detail is actually a big deal.
That's too far in the future to worry about, though. I just need to deal with tomorrow.
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