Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Daily Bread

I'm grateful for the message of these three short videos and have watched them several times since September 2013. I have also included the descriptions from YouTube. They are based on a talk given by D. Todd Christofferson in January 2011 titled Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread. I'm including a few quotes from this talk in chapter 4 of my book, so I thought I would post this before it. 

Just as we need daily physical sustenance, the need for daily spiritual sustenance is just as strong. For the Children of Israel, manna was a daily reminder of the source of their blessings; today, we can remember Jesus Christ every day as we pray, read the scriptures, and meditate. (Part 1 of 3)

Sometimes in life, there is nowhere else to turn but to God. Elder D. Todd Christofferson shares a personal experience that taught him to truly pray, recognize answers to prayers, and take life one day at a time. (Part 2 of 3)

Jesus Christ is the bread of eternal life. By following Him, remembering Him, and having faith in Him we can change and become what we aspire to become. (Part 3 of 3)

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